Prescribed burning
Prescribed burning is an ecological process that rejuvenates native prairies. This page is a supplement to the Kansas Prescribed Burning Notebook and contains additional resources and links to assist landowners, ranchers, and wildlife enthusiasts in caring for the land they manage.
Why Prescribed Burning?
- Benefits of Rangeland Prescribed Burning
- Fire and Grasslands
- Big Bluestem Response to Prescribed Burning
- Wildlife Response to Prescribed Burning
- Forage Loss Due to Woody Encroachment
- Wildfire Risk Reduction
- Prescribed Burning Video Series
- Kansas Mesonet
- National Weather Service (NWS)
- All Hazards Weather Radio Stations
- NWS spot forecast request (agencies only)
Burn Plan
- NRCS template
- One-page template
- Go/No Go Checklist (pdf)
- Fire Management Practices checklist (pdf)
- How to asess your prescribed burn location
- Prescribed burn fire safety
- Burning safely around power poles
- How to follow a burn plan
- Burn Plan Examples
- Prescribed fire: understanding liability, laws and risk
- Prescribed burning legal issues
- Buring liability and Kansas Law
- Liability: prescribed fire's scapegoat
- Liability and prescribed fire: perception and reality
Note: The following companies sell prescribed burning insurance policies. No endorsement is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar policies not mentioned.Prescribed Burn Associations (PBA)
- Kansas Prescribed Burn Assocations-2022
- PBA Communication Kit
- Great Plains Fire Communication Kit
- Prescribed Burn Associations map
Fire Behavior, Brush and Weed Control
- Cedar Impact on Fire Behavior
- Cut and Stuff Practices for Enhanced Cedar Control with Prescribed Fire
- Maximizing Effectiveness of Growing Season Burns for Sericea Lespedeza Control
- Brush Pile Burning
- Spotfires and Escapes
Financial and Technical Support
- Kansas State University Extension
- Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
- Farm Service Agency (FSA)
- Kansas Conservation District Directory 2022 (pdf)
- Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks private lands biologists
- Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever biologists
- Kansas Forest Service
- Prescribed Fire Contractors and Consultants
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
- Expiring CRP options- KSU
- Expiring CRP options- OSU
- Expiring CRP options- ISU
- Expiring CRP options- NRCS
- Expiring CRP options- wildlife
- Conducting Prescribed Fires: A Comprehensive Manual
- Oklahoma Prescribed Burning Handbook (pdf)
- Smoke Management for Prescribed Burning (pdf)
Flint Hills Fire Culture: A Legacy of Caring for the Land